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Failed transaction over 48 hrs not resolved

 its over 48hrs i have been send emails about 2 failed transactions i received a reply saying the problem will be resolved in 24hrs by Saidat I the ticket number was 4876 the failed transaction was confirmed and it was to be resolved in 24hrs but its over 48hrs still no more reply from you people.If a transaction failed its cause of you people fucking system i get debited wrongly and see how long yo ass holes are taking to resolve the issue

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78 people have this problem

Hello, I made a payment of 35200 on 7th of February,2020 but i didn't get a transaction reference needed to complete my registration. It was a payment made through ICAN. Find payment of #35200 on the 7th of February, 2020

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i was debited on the 08th March, 2020, uptill now i have not seen my money

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Yet, I have tried to effect a transfer and failed. The pop message is "unable to process your request at the moment, please try again later". This is happening for more than 2 days. Please check. SAGIRU ADAMU. 07038464887.

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