First, please confirm your transaction was successful. Follow the steps below to confirm:

  1. (On your Quickteller Dashboard), Go to "Transaction History"
  2. Click "Check Status"
  3. Enter your "Transaction Reference"
  4. Click "Get Status"

If the status is failed or pending or in progress, your funds would be reversed within 24 hours. 

If successful, and you still don't have value, please create a ticket or contact us via Chat



To get your reference number, follow the steps below

  1. (On your Quickteller Dashboard), Go to "Transaction History"
  2. Click on "Transaction Count"
  3. Be sure to check "Include Failed Transactions" and click the blue date range button at the bottom to search.
  4. When you have seen the transaction click on more at the bottom right corner to view all the transaction details.